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Posted by Roger Trias i Sanz, Panoramio Software Engineer
Today the Panoramio team launches the Panoramio Widget API,
an easy way to publish photos of your favorite places right on your
blog. Panoramio is a collection of user-submitted images from around the
world. With the Panoramio Widget, you can share photos of places
visited in your far-off travels, or of your favorite local haunts.

To add Panoramio to your blog, you’ll need to add a bit of HTML. We always recommend adding HTML via the HTML/Javascript gadget (Layout > Page Elements > Add Gadget > HTML/JavaScript), or if you want images in individual posts we recommend using the Post Editor’s Edit HTML tab (Posting > New Post > Edit HTML). (Note: we do not recommend editing the full HTML of your blog since it prevents us from updating your blog with cool new features.)
For example, the images gallery above was created by adding the following snippet of HTML to our blog post:
frameborder="0" width="450" height="400" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0"> </iframe>
Learn more about widget customizations and get the HTML by reading the Panoramio Widget API documentation. And we love feedback! Tell us how we can improve the widget by commenting in our forum, and happy blogging!
sumber : http://bloggerindraft.blogspot.com/
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